elephy is a Brussels-based production and distribution platform for film and media art. It supports its productions by providing them with an artist-run professional framework which ensures that they can be made with the greatest artistic freedom. more
You can now watch Rebecca Jane Arthur’s Liberty an Ephemeral Statute on DAFilms. DAFilms.com is powered by Doc Alliance, a creative partnership of 7 key European documentary film festivals. Their aim is to advance the documentary genre, support its diversity and promote quality creative documentary films.
Chloë Delanghe & co-director Mattijs Driesen have finished production on their experimental horror film Hexham Heads link. Following its previous world and international premieres at BFMAF and Pesaro International Film Festival, the film is travelling abroad to BFI London Film Festival (UK), Amsterdam Film Meeting (NL), Transitions (NL), Sister Midnight II (US) and Uppsala International Short Film Festival (SE). We will shortly be releasing the dates for our first Belgian screenings!
Following a year and a half of research in the Ladin valleys, Eva Giolo is presenting an exhibition as a part of Italy’s Biennale Gherdëina. Opening 29th May, curated by Francesca Verga and Zasha Colah. Memory Is an Animal, It Barks with Many Mouths is a project that was commissioned and produced by Ar/Ge Kunst with Biennale Gherdëina 9 and the support of the Flanders Audiovisual Fund.
And in Vienna, we are delighted to announce that Christina Stuhlberger’s film Saying not said link has been selected as new acquisition by the Austrian film archive and distributor sixpackfilm. Saying not said will have its international premiere at FID Marseille!
All the while, elephy’s heart and mind is with the people of Gaza and the hostages taken on the 7th of October. We support, unequivocally, an immediate ceasefire and a free Palestine, and condemn Israel’s unrelentless attack on the Palestinian people.
Hunting for safety
and eager for peace
We follow the leaders who chew up
the land (…)
I’m standing in place
I’m holding your hand
and pieces of children
on patches of sand
- June Jordan, ‘March Song’, Living Room (1985)
Living Room June Jordan Palestine Reader
Collection of M
Flowers blooming in our throats (Eva Giolo)
Stone, Hat, Ribbon and Rose (Eva Giolo)
Becoming Landscape (Eva Giolo)
A Tongue Called Mother (Eva Giolo)
Saying not Said (Christina Stuhlberger)
Flowers blooming in our throats (Eva Giolo)
Silent Conversations (Eva Giolo)
Hexham Heads (Chloë Delanghe & Mattijs Driesen)
Living Apart Together
Saying not Said (Christina Stuhlberger)
Barefoot Birthdays on Unbreakable Glass (Rebecca Jane Arthur)
Silent Conversations (Eva Giolo)
Saying not Said (Christina Stuhlberger)
Barefoot Birthdays on Unbreakable Glass (Rebecca Jane Arthur)
Silent Conversations (Eva Giolo)