Rebecca Jane Arthur

Liberty: an ephemeral statute

2020, Super 8 transfer to HD colour, sound, English spoken (EN, NL, FR, and NL/FR subtitles available), 37'

Stemming from a personal account of a search for liberation set in the US during the early 70s, Liberty: an ephemeral statute reflects upon post-68 desires for emancipation, emigration, and education through an impressionistic memoir and portrait of the filmmaker’s mother back home in Scotland today.

With Irene Arthur
Camera and editing Rebecca Jane Arthur
Sound recording Rebecca Jane Arthur and Jordi De Beule

Sound design Achilles Van den Abeele

Sound mix Sylvie Bouteiller
Color grading Lennert De Taeye

Post-production coordination Sofia Lemos Marques
Produced by Elephy
Producer Rebecca Jane Arthur

Co-produced by ARGOS and Beursschouwburg
Supported by Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds/Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF) Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie/Flemish Community Commission (VGC), Kunstendecreet, Wallonia-Brussels Federation, KASK School of Arts Gent, Sound Image Culture (SIC), WIELS Residency.

1 Oct 2023–31 Dec 2026 Screening Prague, CZ