elephy is a Brussels-based production and distribution platform for film and media art. It was founded by Rebecca Jane Arthur, Chloë Delanghe, Eva Giolo and Christina Stuhlberger. It supports its productions by providing them with an artist-run professional framework which ensures that they can be made with the greatest artistic freedom.
In 2019, elephy initiated MIA (Moving Image Atelier), a series of workshops developed for artists and filmmakers working alone or with small crews in the undefined territory between cinema and visual arts.
elephy is also a member of the open platform PAM (Platform for Audiovisual and Media arts). PAM shares knowledge about the development, production, distribution, presentation, and reflection of audiovisual and media arts. It organises a variety of activities to highlight the diversity of its field and plays a role in the image and advocacy of audiovisual and media arts.
feel free to get in touch: info@elephy.org
elephy vzw
elephy is a registered not-for-profit company:
Emile Bockstaellaan 225 bus 3
1020 – Brussels, BE
Company No: 0688702572
VAT No: BE0688702572
board of administrators
Anouk De Clercq
Helena Kritis
Harlan Levey
general assembly
board members,
and Lissa Kinnaer
elephy is supported by
The Flemish Community Commission/Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie (VGC)
elephy’s partners are
ARGOS, Auguste Orts, Beursschouwburg, KASK School of Arts, LUCA School of Arts – Campus Sint Lukas Brussel, Netwerk Aalst, Qo2, VAF, HISK and IMAL, among others.
elephy reviews
Hart magazine, Helena Kritis
Filmmagie, Bjorn Gabriels