Eva Giolo

Silent Conversations

16MM PRINT, COLOR, 4:3, SILENT, BE, 2023, 7’34"

Hand-processed and self-printed 16mm reversal and negative colour films, Silent Conversations is a study of twenty-second sequences of embraces that unfolds as a series of time-based portraits.

Directed, filmed and edited by Eva Giolo
Produced by elephy
Colourist Lennert de Taeye


Rossano Giolo, Annick Lestabel, Sophie Milquet, Eve Cremagnani,
Chloe Delanghe, Sam Comerford, Colette Vuylsteke, Pascale Gerbaux,
Margaux Gerbaux, Johanna Fisher, Che Go Eun, Ingel Vaikla,
Caroline Wolewinski, Sandro Della Noce, Anna Giolo, Alba Giolo Durieux,
Sina Hensel, Marijke De Roover, Eva Giolo, Yuichiro Onuma,
Anais Chabeur, Sofia Caesar, Ian Schuler

This project was made possible with the support of The Vlaams
Audiovisueel Fonds
, Friedl Kubelka School For Independent Films and elephy.

26 Jun 2024–20 Aug 2024 Exhibition
Cinema Galeries Brussels, BE
13 Nov 2024–14 Dec 2024 Exhibition

Living Apart Together